Marias Shop
Here you can find a selection of Marias products available for purchase. We are adding to this page all the time, so if you don't see the item you would like, please either come back later to check, or contact Maria here.

I lost my brother, and even though I knew he was going I didn't get to say goodbye. So he came to me several times to let me know he was still close by. This book leads you through my journey from despair to hope.
Please contact me to arrange purchase and delivery of the above item.
printed book

(inc. p&p)
Please contact me to arrange purchase and delivery of the above item.
These are all available either as beautifully printed cds featuring Marias own artwork, or can be delivered digitally.

Meet Your Fairy Queen
Meet Your Money Hunny
Meeting Your Loved Ones
Full Colour CD and Wallet
(inc p&p)
Please contact me to arrange purchase and delivery of the above item.
Digital Download (delivered to email)
Please contact me to arrange purchase and delivery of the above item.
Full Colour CD and Wallet
Full Colour CD and Wallet
(inc p&p)
(inc p&p)
Please contact me to arrange purchase and delivery of the above item.
Please contact me to arrange purchase and delivery of the above item.
Digital Download (delivered to email)
Digital Download (delivered to email)
Please contact me to arrange purchase and delivery of the above item.
Please contact me to arrange purchase and delivery of the above item.

Meet Your Dragon
Cleanse and Balance Your Chakras
Full Colour CD and Wallet
(inc p&p)
Please contact me to arrange purchase and delivery of the above item.
Digital Download (delivered to email)
Please contact me to arrange purchase and delivery of the above item.
Full Colour CD and Wallet
(inc p&p)
Please contact me to arrange purchase and delivery of the above item.
Digital Download (delivered to email)
Please contact me to arrange purchase and delivery of the above item.